Contact us

This is Good2Talk’s general contact form for inquiries about our organization, service delivery and more.

If you’re a post-secondary student in Ontario or Nova Scotia who needs support, Good2Talk’s professional counsellors and volunteer crisis responders are available 24/7 to help you with any issue, big or small. 

Ontario | Nova Scotia

For other questions, you can fill out the form below!

Contact form

If you’d like to get in touch with Good2Talk to submit feedback about your experience using / promoting our services, request event support, or for any other reason, you can use the contact form below. If you’d like to request promotional materials, you can use our separate order form.

Good2Talk Contact us

You can choose your Good2Talk promotional materials below! To make your selection, please click the box under the material(s) you want and indicate how many you’d like.

Good2Talk ON wallet card front
Good2Talk ON Madarin wallet card
Good2Talk ON poster
Good2Talk ON info poster

Contact us 24/7.
We’re Good2Talk whenever you need us!

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